Village Hill Social Gatherings

Neighbors have shown interest in more gathering during the year, these are a few ideas that have been tossed around. Most activities are geared towards family fun, but we all know everyone needs an adult night out every now and then.

There was a flyer put in your mailbox.  Please comment beside the activities that seem interesting to you or your family, and consider hosting an event for everyone to enjoy. For more details on hosting an event please contact the social committee, you may do so through the private message section on our Facebook Page or email, with Attention Social Committee.

Please return this survey to 1035 Earls Road or electronically on our Facebook Page under the Social Committee Post or email them Attention Social Committee.

  • Valentine’s Day Party for Kids
  • Easter Egg Hunt for Kids
  • End of School Party for Kids
  • Back to School Party for Kids
  • Outdoor Family Movie Night
  • Game Night (for Kids and/or Adults)
  • 4th of July Fun
  • Wine & Cheese Night
  • Bunco Night
  • Poker Night
  • Block Party
  • Fall & Halloween Decorate Porch Contest
  • Small Business Saturday Open House (Hosted this year by The Standley’s)
    (If you would like to host a booth, please list your information below)
  • List Any Other Ideas For Gatherings